Please click on the button below to download and print the application.
Please click on the button below to download and print the application.
Learn more about
our programs here
Resources, contact numbers, email addresses, and support services.
All instructions, assignments, teacher contact information
This button brings you straight to a form that can get you connected to BPS. Fill it out and you will be able to pick up a Chromebook (NOT at BGA, which is closed) or possibly have it delivered.
Issues with your Chromebook or other tech questions?Click the button, fill out the short form, and send to Mr. Deckard.
Pick up Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.. Some sites are subject to change. Call 311 for the most up to date info.
Want to connect with your counselors or talk
something over? These are trying times but
you are NOT alone. Click on the yellow button
and get connected.
Look into this folder for strategies that can help you get the most from online learning. Tip: Begin with the powerpoint!
Looking ahead just a couple of months, it will be summer! Start planning now!
Summer programming for students 12-15 and 16-18. A life-changing opportunity!
This is a collection of resources currently available in Suffolk County, Ma, compiled by the staff of the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins. This comprehensive guide is intended to be a starting point for finding resources to assist during the COVID-19 National Emergency. Current circumstances are fluid and evolving, so information, services, and recommendations may change over time.
Support for physical and mental health, safety; Food and shelter; Employment /and Legal