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Boston Green Academy supports numerous activities for students, both during and after school. Below are some of the opportunities we offer for students:


ACE Mentors - 9-12 program for students interested in architecture, engineering, and construction

Anime Club - After school club to learn about anime, drawing anime, and connecting with others who love the art form

Art Club - After school visual arts opportunity

Artward Bound - Bringing local voices of color to the forefront of the art industry

Big Brothers Big Sisters- mentoring for middle and high school students

Bikes Not Bombs - A variety of after school programs that connect students with biking and employment pathways that use bikes

BPS City League Sports in partnership with Brighton High School- Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Football

Boston Cares - An agency that matches volunteers with people and organizations that need different kinds of assistance

Boston Nature Center - Outdoor programming at a wildlife sanctuary in Mattapan

Boston Talent Search - College and Career Planning 

Boys Basketball - Varsity, JV, and Intramural

Chica Project - Community program for women of color ages 14-18. The program runs from October - June

Community Rowing - Charles River Rowing programs for students aged 12-19

Debate Team - BGA participates in the Boston Debate League, one of the largest academic competitions in the city of Boston.

Eco Rise - Sustainability programs for students

Emerson Writes - Writing program for high school students

Franklin Park Zoo - Teen programs/ambassadorships and paid internship opportunities

​Girls Basketball - Varsity, JV, and Intramural

​G.L.A.M. & Girls in Action- Girls leadership groups

GSA - Gay Straight Alliance​

Homework Club - After-school academic support​

​International Service Learning Adventures - Community service culminating in an international trip during Project Week

Mathletes - Bringing math to the forefront and reinforcing the math is fun

Minds Matter - After school College Access program for first generation students

M.O.R.E. & Young Man with a Plan- Boys leadership groups

New England Aquarium - Teen programs for climate justice and internship opportunities

Outdoor Club - Service projects and overnight trips

PieRSquared - Individual math tutoring for students in grades 7-12. Virtual and in-person (when possible)

Private Industry Council- Internships and employment support

Roseway -  A summer sailing program through World Ocean School. Two weeks on a tall ship!

​Student Government

Summer Search - College Access program for first generation students

Teens in Print - After school Journalims program for Boston students in 8th-12th grades

Thompson Island Outward Bound - Outdoor Education programs

Upward Bound (Boston University)

West End House - After School services and college support

Writing Lab- tutors to support student writing after school

YES (Youth Enrichment Services) - Outdoor leadership training and experiences for students.

YMCA - Offers after school programs and clubs for grades 6 - 12

Boston Green Academy

20 Warren Street
Brighton, MA 02135
617-635-9860 (phone)

617-635-9858 (fax)

For more information, get in touch
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ترحب أكاديمية بوسطن جرين بالطلاب المتنوعين من جميع القدرات، وتثقفهم وتمكنهم من النجاح في الكلية والمهنة، وتجهزهم للقيادة في استدامة مجتمعنا وعالمنا.

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Green Ribbon School


إن جائزة الشريط الأخضر الوطني التي حصلت عليها أكاديمية بوسطن الخضراء من وزارة التعليم الأمريكية هي اعتراف بممارساتنا الخضراء والمستدامة على مستوى المدرسة بأكملها.

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